Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Product Declaration

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Define Goals and Boundaries

Have a product or service you want or need to evaluate? We start by defining the goals and scope of your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Our experts ensure the system boundaries, functional units, and data requirements are aligned with international standards, setting a strong foundation for accurate and meaningful results.

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Inventory Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection and LCA Development: Accurate inventory data is key to a robust LCA & EPD. Our team will guide you through collecting primary and secondary data across the product lifecycle stages, from raw material extraction to disposal. We use advanced tools and databases to ensure precision and reliability in the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI).

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Impact Assessment and Interpretation

LCA Impact Assessment: We conduct a thorough Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) per the TRACI 2.1 methodology to evaluate environmental impacts such as carbon footprint, water use, and resource contamination. Our detailed interpretation highlights emission and resource hotspots to provide actionable insights for cost savings and enhance sustainability performance.

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Verification and Publication

Building on the foundation of your LCIA, we will prepare a Type III Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). Developed in compliance with international standards such as ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A2, the EPD will undergo third-party verification to ensure accuracy and credibility. Once verified, we will publish the EPD through the relevant program operator, fully aligned with the applicable Product Category Rule (PCR) discovered in Step 1. More and more industries are requiring products to carry EPD’s due to buyer policies.

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Leverage Your Environmental Attributes

An LCA or EPD is a critical prerequisite for companies looking to access carbon financing or carbon pricing mechanisms to scale their operations and drive industry decarbonization. We have the experience and passion to assist you in generating verified emission reduction credits. Contact us below for a conversation.

Why Choose Global Emissionairy?

From conducting robust Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and developing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to supporting internal decarbonization strategies and accessing carbon financing through the Voluntary Carbon Market, we provide comprehensive solutions to drive meaningful change. Partner with us to transform your environmental commitments into actionable outcomes that pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.


Our team comprises industry experts with a deep understanding of product systems, carbon markets, and regulatory requirements.

End-to-End Service:

From initial concept to final sale, we handle every step, providing a seamless experience.


We have completed over 400 LCA-based projects and collaborate with recognized registries and VVBs to ensure your project meets the highest standards.

Market Access:

Our extensive network connects your product or project with a wide range of buyers in the decarbonization and voluntary carbon market.

We can help

For further questions, please fill out the form below and our sales team can guide you through the process.