Hero Background

Pioneering Sustainable Solutions That Reduce Carbon Emissions

Associations & Partners

ARRASCS GlobalCloverlyVerraRuby CanyonAP Loudon InternationalTEDCOPatchSustainCertClearSkyUnity
ARRASCS GlobalCloverlyVerraRuby CanyonAP Loudon InternationalTEDCOPatchSustainCertClearSkyUnity
ARRASCS GlobalCloverlyVerraRuby CanyonAP Loudon InternationalTEDCOPatchSustainCertClearSkyUnity
ARRASCS GlobalCloverlyVerraRuby CanyonAP Loudon InternationalTEDCOPatchSustainCertClearSkyUnity
ARRASCS GlobalCloverlyVerraRuby CanyonAP Loudon InternationalTEDCOPatchSustainCertClearSkyUnity

Carbon Credit Projects

Global Emissionairy’s carbon projects generate Verra certified carbon offsets by recycling the roadways of the United States of America.

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What is the total emissions saved by using VM0039 roadway recycling methods?

The table below illustrates an example scenario where 9,900 metric tons (t) of foam-stabilized base (FSB) asphalt is installed using cold-in-place recycling (CIR) instead of traditional hot mix asphalt (HMA). This approach results in a total savings of 8,600 metric tons of CO₂.

Why Partner with Us

Go Green

Cut carbon emissions

Market your green values. Demonstrate your company's ability to reduce its carbon footprint while preparing for the creation of environmental product declarations (EPD) and life cycle analysis (LCAs). By collaborating with Global Emissionary, your company will reinforce its commitment to the environment. Our partnership will support Paris Agreement goals to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Generate VCU's

Sell your carbon offset project

Work with Global Emissionary to enable carbon finance to develop your low carbon project.


Win bids that value EPDs

Global Emissionary will work with your company to collect and create information supporting environmental product declarations (EPD) and life cycle analysis (LCA) that customers like state departments of transportation (DOTs) are increasingly requesting. Results will help your company increase efforts in combating climate change while gaining a competitive edge in an increasingly environmentally conscious marketplace.

Reduce carbon emissions by recycling pavement with emulsified or foamed asphalt.

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How to Generate Carbon Credits with Global Emissionairy


Ready to start generating carbon credits?

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